What Is Axie Infinity, Everything You Need to Know


As other cryptocurrencies experience significant drops in the last few months of this year, Axie Infinity was the complete opposite. Its price skyrocketed in a matter of days by 550%. On June 15th, Axie was trading for $4.45, but by mid-July, its price was at $28.61.

After a few more days, the prices dropped to $15.03. These changes in the market of cryptocurrency create popularity but also cause some disadvantages. For instance, traders and investors question the credibility of respective cryptos.

We will look at Axie Infinity to determine whether it’s a good investment.

What is Axie Infinity?

Axie Infinity is a blockchain-based game inspired by the massive Pokemon game series. It is an excellent example of the integration between the gaming world and cryptocurrency. In the game, players collect Axies (digital pets) and either raise or trade them in the Axie ecosystem.

The game is created on the Ethereum network and allows players to earn actual cryptos. All axies are unique, and a player needs to buy more than three in order to participate in the game.

Users earn either Axie Infinity Shard token (AXS) or Smooth Love Potion (SLP) by raising, breeding, or battle Axies. These two tokens are tradeable on the native Ethereum network.

What Are AXS and SLP?

Axie Infinity Shard token (AXS) is the primary token players earn and use in Axie Infinity for breeding digital pets. The network plans to add other functions to the token including, staking reward, governance, and purchase eligibility.

On the other hand, Smooth Love Potion (SLP) is the token players earn from the game. Even though not primarily, SLP can breed new Axies.

How Does Axie Infinity Work?

Axie Infinity is a battle game that requires users to battle digital pets (Axies) in real-time. Each digital pet represents an ERC-721 non-fungible token (NFT) and has unique features.

However, all Axies have four similar traits: health, morale, skill, and speed, but in different capabilities. These stats are very crucial in the success of every Axies battle. It is from these stats that a player will know how much damage an Axie can cause.

Additionally, the Axies are classified in either of these classes: reptile, plant, bug, bird, beast, or aquatic. Each class will have different features in terms of strengths and weaknesses.

Once a player achieves either of the game’s objectives, they an income in the form of AXS or SLP.

What Is A Scholarship In Axie Infinity?

what is axie infinity

From the growth of the game, the Axie community has grown tremendously. This led to the formation of the Axie Infinity scholarship. The scholarship is a program whereby best players lend out three Axies to other players who they name workers.

Once a scholar-led out Axies, he plays to earn tokens and other essential material then shares with the manager. In return, managers safeguard their scholars and ensure they follow the rules.

Are You a Gamer and a Cryptocurrency Enthusiastic?

The two worlds have been integrated for people like you making it possible to play and earn at the same time. Axie Infinity is a crypto game that allows players to collect, breed, and digital battle pets for crypto tokens.

The game has grown tremendously, and you could be the next player even through the Axie Infinity Scholarship.