Tigers are on the brink of extinction, with only 3900 of them left from a population of over 100 thousand just a century ago. These animals are poached mercilessly, and their parts, from skins, to organs to bones, sold to satisfy a $20 billion market annually. But all this is about to change courtesy of Baby Tiger King.
The coin was created to benefit tiger conservation efforts and its holders, using blockchain technology. With a focus on getting maximum global anti-trafficking coordination, training people how to detect and respond to poaching, as well as tracking results and progress, Baby Tiger King believes it can save the remaining tigers and perhaps even other endangered species.
How to Put an End to Tiger Poaching
As part of its vision, Baby Tiger King articulates the measures that they can take to end tiger poaching. The pro-tigers cryptocurrency suggests that preserving tigers in their natural habitats, reducing human-tiger conflict and keeping an eye on tiger population trends will go a long way towards protecting the animals. It also believes in eliminating hearts like tiger farms.
Tiger Baby King Tokenomics
To attain their vision, Tiger Baby King proposes an interesting tokenomics structure. The token charges 16% tax. 3% of this goes to an automatically and permanently locked liquidity pool . Another 3% of every transaction will go to holders for their passive income. Then there’s the burn wallet that will get 4% out of every transaction. Ultimately, 6% goes towards marketing and conservation initiatives.
Moving Along the Conservation Trail
The path that Tiger Baby King has chosen to walk along in order to attain its goal has several steps. The first of this is getting their Twitter following to rise, and enlisting Coin Mooner and Coin Sniper.
They also intend to create marketing campaigns through top influencers, have billboards in Times Square, and have advertisements running on Watcher Guru, Poocoin, and Coin Mooner. Baby Tiger King also plans on CoinGecko and Coinmarket cap listings.
At the end of it all the coin hopes to have gained 750 thousand Holders and followers on Twitter, 100 thousand Telegram Members an NFT Marketplace, a Tiger Sanctuary onceit hits $5b market cap and a donation of $200 thousand for awareness on tiger poaching.
How to Buy Baby Tiger King
To be able to buy and sell Tiger Baby King, you need to either Trust Wallet, or Metamask and set them up. After that, go to your network-list and make sure you add Binance Smart Chain. Having finished that, buy BNB on an exchange, then head over to your Pancake Swap on Trust Wallet and make your purchase. If you are using MetaMask then get the right token address and you will be good to go.
Media Contacts:
Website: https://babytigerking.com
Telegram: https://t.me/thebabytigerking
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BabyTigerKing
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BabyTigerKing/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebabytigerking