Rock Bands to Enter Metaverse After Bob Dylan Partners with Snowcrash NFT platform?

Vinod Dsouza
bob dylan
Source: Michael Ochs Archives/Getty

‘The times they are a changing’, sang Bob Dylan in 1964, and his move into the Metaverse shows he stays true to his lyrics. Snowcrash, the Solana-based NFT marketplace announced it will release NFT collections of Bob Dylan and Miles Davis later this year.

The agreement comes after Sony Music and Universal Music Group signed a deal with Snowcrash to get the two iconic musicians on the Metaverse. Ironically, Dylan’s son Jesse Dylan is the co-founder of Snowcrash and made the deal relatively easy. Jesse revealed that the deal is just “the tip of the iceberg” and there would be more announcements to come.

However, getting Dylan into the Metaverse was a costly affair as UMG spent $400 million on his song catalog in 2020. Also, Sony bought his recorded music rights for $150 million last year.

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Other Rock Bands to Follow Bob Dylan’s Move?

Just like how Snoop Dogg inspired rappers to enter the Metaverse, Bob Dylan could soon inspire rock musicians.

Rock music is indebted to Bob Dylan and his move into the Metaverse can motivate other bands to join the fold. Dylan has been a larger-than-life figure in the music world and has inspired thousands of bands throughout his career.

Bands such as Metallica, Megadeth, Iron Maiden among others speak highly of Dylan and are inspired by his work. When Dylan’s music makes its way into the Metaverse, it’s only a matter of time before other bands follow suit.

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Now that concerts around the world have come to a standstill for two years, the Metaverse will revive it. Rock music is mostly enjoyed during live performances and rock bands need to make the most out of the technology. If not, their revenues would dry up as album sales are at a record low each year.

For rock music to thrive and survive, bands need to follow the Bob Dylan route. They need to realize that ‘the times they are a changing’.

Dylan’s lyrics state the golden rule of life: ‘If your time is worth saving, you better start swimming, or you’ll sink like a stone. For the times they are a-changing.’

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