Guide: Can you pay for a passport with a credit card?
Are you in need of getting a passport for some upcoming travels? Why does it seem like getting a passport is always such a hassle? Especially when it comes to figuring out how to pay. Well, today we are going to answer the question, “Can you pay for a passport with a credit card?” Keep reading to find out more.
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Can you pay for a passport with a credit card?
The answer is yes. You can easily pay for a passport with a credit card. That being said, you have to remember that there are two sets of fees that you need to pay. One is the application fee and the other is the procession fee.
So, you can pay the processing fee using a credit card. However, when it comes to the application fee, which is paid to the US Department of State, you do need to pay that with a check or money order only.
Does the USPS accept credit cards for passports?
No, the USPS does not accept credit cards for application fees. They can only accept cards for the photo fees. Otherwise, you will need cash or a check for your payment.

Can I pay my passport fee online?
If you are referring to the application fee, you can pay online. You can do this by accessing the e-Services Portal and by using your credit card.
How many days to pay for a passport appointment?
To keep your passport appointment, you need to make a payment within 72 hours of booking. If there is no money sent within that time, it’s recommended that you make another appointment.
Also, a word of the wise: remember who you are dealing with. The last time we asked for a password, it took some time. So, remember that you are dealing with something that can take weeks and you want to plan accordingly.

In conclusion, we truly wish that they’d make taking payments as easy as just swiping a credit card. Remember that there are two sets of fees when applying for your passport. One is the application fee, which can only be paid via check. The other is the photo processing fee, which can be paid by card. Plus, don’t forget about the unexpected rush fees. Happy traveling!