The Cardano (ADA) market was seen exhibiting increased volatility over the past day. The asset, similar to the rest of the cryptocurrencies, was seen recovering from the latest carnage. While it followed an uptick throughout the last 24 hours, it dipped once again, leaving investors confused. Even though the current state of the ADA market is filled with uncertainty, the community is looking forward to a positive end to this week.
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ADA Emerges As A Top Performer
Cardano’s ADA went from trading at a low of $0.9566 all the way to a high of $1.06. This notable spike brought increased optimism in the market. However, the asset recorded a slight setback. During the time of writing, ADA was trading at $0.9964, with a 3.62% spike over the last 24 hours.
While the immediate goal for the asset is to surge beyond the $1 mark, a couple of ambitious investors were hoping to see ADA reclaim its all-time high. The altcoin reached a peak of $3.10 back in 2021, about three years ago. Currently, the asset is 67% below this high.
Amidst this volatility of ADA, whales made a big splash in its market. According to Ali Martinez, large investors have reportedly bought a staggering 100 million ADA over the past 48 hours.
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Mid-January Price Prediction
According to data from CoinCodex, Cardano’s ADA will indeed record an uptick over the next few days. The asset is expected to record a 13% spike from its current price and surge to $1.1256. On January 20, ADA will trade at $1.1215. This further represents a 12.44% rise. While this isn’t a significant spike, it still plays an important role in the overall growth of the asset. The community is ecstatic that ADA is above the $1 mark.
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