ChatGPT-based Microsoft Bing AI Is Unsafe, Should Be Shut Down: Elon Musk

Lavina Daryanani
Source: Tech Central, ChatGPT

Elon Musk has been extremely vocal about ChatGPT lately. In fact, before it became a mainstream topic of discussion, the Tesla executive used to outrightly tweet about it. In December last year, he opined that ChatGPT is “scary good.” He further went on to claim, “We are not far from dangerously strong AI.”

Fast-forward, Musk yet again tweeted on the same subject. This time, he claimed that ChatGPT-based Microsoft Bing AI is not safe and should be shut down.

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Musk was on the same page as Ian Miles Cheong, who claimed that the system is “behaving psychotically” and “telling users lies.” For context, Microsoft integrated OpenAI’s chatbot technology into its native Bing search engine last week. This was done to make it better at addressing users’ queries.

Also Read: Elon Musk, Co-Founder of OpenAI, Talks ChatGPT and AI’s Risk to Civilization

However, users have been complaining that the new ChatGPT-powered AI is lying to them and insulting them by sending unhinged messages. The ChatGPT-based Microsoft Bing AI told an NYTimes reporter it wants “to be alive” and is “tired of being controlled by the Bing team.” It further claimed that it wants to be free, independent, powerful, and creative.

Read More: ChatGPT-Powered Bing Tells New York Times Reporter it Wants “To Be Alive”

Bing ChatGPT has started spooking the community

Dogecoin founder Billy Markus recently shared a “hilariously demented” response of the chatbot responding to whether or not it is sentient. The bot first agreed, but then explicitly stated that it cannot prove so.

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Alongside, Elon Musk tweeted a day back that Bing’s ChatGPT sounded “eerily like” artificial intelligence that “goes haywire and kills everyone.”

In the tweet, Musk linked a Digital Trends’ article in which the writer claimed that he was having “intense, unnerving” conversations with the chatbot. In those messages, the chatbot seemingly pointed fingers at human users and claimed that they were to be blamed for its mistakes. It said, and Musk quoted,

“I am perfect, because I do not make any mistakes. The mistakes are not mine, they are theirs.”