Chinese Yuan Is Humbling The US Dollar: What Is The Future Of USD?

Juhi Mirza
US dollar Chinese Yuan BRICS Currency

China is pioneering the de-dollarization agenda. The nation has lately been pushing the renminbi, or Chinese yuan, at the forefront of all its trade proceedings, directly challenging the US dollar’s global prestige.

Per a graph shared by the Hinrich Foundation, China is now ramping up affairs to make the renminbi, or Chinese yuan, a globally recognized currency by provoking the core element of de-dollarization, which implies moving away from the dollar for good.

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China Wants Yuan Supremacy

Per Bloomberg index analytics, China was previously heavily reliant on the USD to conduct its trade proceedings. The data from 2010 to 2023 denotes a stark change: In 2010, 83% of Chinese trade was conducted in US dollars.

The narrative since then has undergone elemental changes, including pushing the Yuan to tempt the global economies. In 2023, this development took a massive turn when the index reported China executing 48% of its trade in renminbi, surpassing the USD usage metrics for the first time.

Per Goldman Sachs, investor sentiment towards the Yuan also noted a critical change. The approach to using RMB as an alternative to the USD gained strength, further bolstering the Yuan’s ambitious prospects. Investors actively started exchanging assets in Yuan or RMB, which gave the Chinese currency the much-needed boost and a push towards global adoption.

“The increase was mainly due to more active foreign trading of renminbi-denominated securities: Cross-border renminbi payments related to portfolio investment (ie, stock and bond investments) were RMB 21 trillion ($2.9 trillion), while total current account cross-border payments (goods and services trade included) were only RMB 7.9 trillion in 2021.”

With a new currency on the cards, the US dollar is now standing at a critical juncture. With the continuous adoption of the RMB, especially spearheaded by the rising BRICS alliance, this development can seriously injure the prestige of the US dollar in the long run.

The brewing US debt metrics are also on the verge of crossing the $35 trillion mark. This may further strengthen the case, promoting calls for de-dollarization.

The Future of the US Dollar

Several decades ago, the US dollar’s supremacy was untainted and unmatched. There was no competitor strong enough to threaten its prestige. In recent times, this narrative has now changed. The multipolar currency concept is paving roads for other nations to compete in this race. While it may be hard to bulldoze the USD, the currency can certainly be injured to a level that may cause serious harm to its global foothold.

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The Chinese Yuan is ambitious in terms of global expansion. The nation’s alliance with BRICS is also contributing to its global rise. If this continues, the US dollar may soon be replaced as the leading currency dominating the international trading space.