Donald Trump Announces Pro-Crypto Vice President JD Vance

Jaxon Gaines
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Source: NBC News

Former President Donald Trump has announced JD Vance, a pro-crypto senator from Ohio, as his vice-president running mate. Vance has been a vocal crypto supporter for most of his political career, which adds to the gist of another Donald Trump presidential reign as a “pro-cryptocurrency” one.

“After lengthy deliberation and thought, and considering the tremendous talents of many others, I have decided that the person best suited to assume the position of Vice President of the United States is Senator J.D. Vance of the Great State of Ohio,” Donald Trump wrote on social media app TruthSocial.

JD Vance has a strong record of supporting cryptocurrency, even against his senate compatriots. Vance voted to repeal SAB 121, the SEC’s crypto accounting policy, as well as slammed the SEC for its handling of the Debt Box case. Furthermore, the new VP nominee introduced a bill in 2023 to improve bank regulation and make sure customers like crypto firms are not discriminated against.

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Donald Trump’s Vice President pick also previously disclosed Bitcoin holdings, something no other President or VP had previously. In 2022, Vance disclosed BTC holdings of up to $250K. It’s unknown if Vance still holds the asset or any other cryptocurrencies. However, the premise stands that at the end of this upcoming election, two pro-cryptocurrency politicians could hold office.