Donald Trump’s Ethereum Wallet Holds $2.8M, Statement Shows

donald trump
Source: CNN

A new financial statement reveals that former United States President Donald Trump owns over $2.8 million in an Ethereum wallet.

The Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington nonprofit (CREW) shared the statements this week. These show that Trump made over $4.8 million from licensing fees tied to nonfungible token (NFT) collections using his image. In addition, Trump netted around $7.6 million from his crypto-related ventures.

In a filing back in April, Trump’s Ethereum Wallet held between $250,000 and $500,000 in ETH. Now, it appears that that wallet has become significantly larger in ETH volume.

The news comes as the former president is facing another indictment in Georgia this week, which charges him with conspiring to interfere with the 2020 election.

Donald Trump’s Ethereum holdings are surprising, given that the former U.S. President has previously said that he is “not a big fan of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.” However, crypto as a whole will be a topic for discussion for both Democrats and Republicans during the U.S Presidential election next year.

On the democratic front, candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been very open about his support for cryptocurrencies. He has revealed that he and his family own about 14 Bitcoins (BTC), which are currently worth about $411,432, a bit under Donald Trump’s Ethereum value.