FTX: Congresswoman Maxine Waters Compels SBF To Attend Hearing On 13th

Lavina Daryanani
Source: Bitcoin.com News

US Representative Maxine Waters recently reminded FTX’s former chief, Sam Bankman-Fried, to testify before the US House Committee on Financial Services heading. Waters revealed that FTX had to appear before the Committee on December 13. SBF was invited to discuss “what happened” at the troubled exchange.

A day back, the former FTX CEO noted that it was his duty to appear before the committee to address the situation. However, he also pointed out that he would do so only after he was done “learning and reviewing what happened.” He further suggested that he was unsure if he would be able to appear on the 13th.

Read More: FTX: Will SBF testify on the 13th before US Congress?

It is “imperative” For SBF To Testify

Now, according to reports, Maxine Waters again took to Twitter to compel SBF to attend the House Committee hearing on the collapse of FTX. She noted that it was “clear” that the information SBF had till now was “sufficient” for testimony.

Stressing the importance of the testimony, she tweeted,

As you know, the collapse of FTX has harmed over one million people. Your testimony would not only be meaningful to Members of Congress, but is also critical to the American people.

Waters further added that it was “imperative” for SBF to attend the upcoming hearing. She also added that the committee would schedule more hearings as and when new details were revealed. Elucidating the same, she tweeted,

It is imperative that you attend our hearing on the 13th, and we are willing to schedule continued hearings if there is more information to be shared later.

Commenting on the same thread, Dogecoin founder Billy Markus questioned if the committee could subpoena the former FTX chief. Polygon Studios CEO, Ryan Wyatt, on the other hand, opined,

Maxine, glad you are starting to listen to the people and community and not your donor.

Also Read: Sam Bankman-Fried Says He Donated Equally to Democratic and Republican Parties