Intel Has Launched a New Bitcoin Mining Chip Called the Blockscale

Vignesh Karunanidhi
Intel Has Launched a New Bitcoin Mining Chip Called the Blockscale
Source: Unsplash

Intel launches its new Bitcoin mining chip dubbed the Blockscale ASIC. The new chip will be focused on energy efficiency and sustainability.

The Blockscale ASIC will be shipped to select customers In the third quarter of 2022. The chip operates with up to 26J/TH of power efficiency.

Intel will ship the chip separately and not as a complete mining rig, which is commonly seen.

Intel’s prime focus on energy efficiency

The end Blockscale ASIC product results from decades of research and development to increase the energy efficiency of mining. Jose Rios, GM of Blockchain and Business Solutions in the Accelerated Computing Systems and Graphics Group at Intel, said that:

“The Intel Blockscale ASIC is going to play a major role in helping bitcoin mining companies achieve both sustainability and hash rate scaling objectives in the years ahead.”

Each Blockscale ASIC device will have a hash rate of up to 580 gigahashes per second (GH/s) and power efficiency of up to 26 joules per terahash (J/TH).

It will also support up to 256 integrated circuits per chain and temperature and voltage monitoring capabilities on-chip.

As a result, a mining system made up of 256 Intel Blockscale ASIC processors will purportedly produce 148 TH/s while consuming 3,860 watts (W).

Bitmain’s flagship air-cooled mining system, which is now the worldwide market leader, produces 140 TH/s with a power usage of 3010 W, resulting in power efficiency of 21.5 J/TH.

Some of the companies that have placed the order for the chip include Argo Blockchain, Block Inc., Hive Blockchain Technologies, and GRIID Infrastructure. The shipment will also have a reference hardware and software design to assist the customers.

Intel made waves in January when it announced plans to exhibit an “ultra-low-voltage energy-efficient bitcoin mining ASIC” at the ISSCC conference.

Intel’s previous ASIC studies were presented on the panel, and the corporation announced in the same month that their new device, the Blockscale ASIC, will arrive this year.