Justin Sun Confirms $83.4 Million Heco Bridge Hack

Vignesh Karunanidhi
Justin Sun Confirms $83.4 Million Heco Bridge Hack

The Heco Cross-Chain Bridge has fallen victim to a hacker attack, according to the latest on-chain data. Justin Sun, the founder of HTX, confirmed the breach via a tweet, revealing that HTX’s hot wallet had suffered losses.

The incident has prompted HTX to take immediate action, with assurances that all funds within HTX remain secure.

Heco Bridge suffers $83.4 million loss

In a subsequent tweet by the analytics firm LookOnChain, the extent of the hack was laid bare. A staggering $83.4 million worth of assets from the Heco Bridge were stolen, encompassing a range of cryptocurrencies.

The loot included 42.11 million USDT, 10,145 ETH, 489 HBTC, 346.87 billion SHIB, 173.2 thousand UNI, 610 thousand USDC, 42,399 LINK, and 347 thousand TUSD. Notably, all pilfered assets were converted to Ethereum (ETH), totaling 41,434 ETH.

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The immediate aftermath of the breach has led to HTX taking decisive measures. Additionally, in a bid to mitigate the impact on its community, HTX has committed to providing full compensation for the losses incurred. Consequently, the platform has temporarily suspended deposits and withdrawals as investigations into the hack unfold.

Despite the severity of the situation, HTX emphasizes that all funds within the HTX ecosystem remain secure, reassuring its user base. Justin Sun has communicated the ongoing efforts to pinpoint the specifics of the hacker attack, promising that once the investigation is complete and the cause identified, normal services will resume.

The cyber attack on Heco Bridge is yet another stark reminder of the vulnerabilities within the cryptocurrency space.