Kakashi Inu V2: The First Augmented Reality 3d NFT Battle Game in the Crypto Space

Source: nomics.com

What Is in Store at Kakashi Inu (KKI) V2?

Kakashi Inu V2 globally the first augmented (AR) reality 3D NFT battle game will be here before the end of 2022. Kakashi Inu (KKI) V2 is an incomparable NFT and DeFi game, where you earn by playing. The NFT battles will host 3D rendered characters from Marvel Universe and Anime.

The players will engage in the crypto spaces, where the team will be hosting the virtual game.

Use Case

Kakashi Inu has a very strong use case that adapts to the ever-changing gaming and crypto space. The group will ensure its durability in the industry by developing a game that is highly adjusted to the changes in the industry.

Passive Income

KKI promises to offer more $KKI tokens to users who possess KKI. That offer creates the basis for their continuous redistribution.

How the Game Is Progressing

KKI lead developer says that the AR 3D Battle is a long term goal for the virtual industry. The 3rd person-view game has several control features: first, the direction controls left, right, back and forward movements.

Secondly, several attacks and defence options are available for you to operate. For instance, you are in a scenario where gamers must fight a fire-water character: awesome, right? Now back to the system, the game offers power-ups NFTs, where you can shift the type of attack or during the match. This is already so exciting so far, but it’s not the end, neither are we halfway through the description.

The 3rd user who trades in NFTs becomes the user. During the game, users will be actively involved through trading NFTs. The market allows for rare trade-ins of characters. A move that disables high existence for one character, who will be burned after an NFT trade. Animes who will be less popular will be phased out from the crypto’s space game.

Kakashi Inu V2 in the Story: the Birth of Kakashi Inu v2

KKI V2 came to birth from Kakashi Inu. The owner of the initial KKI met the KKI V2 and offered them this coin platform after he realized he could not run it any longer. The team agreed to the offer, which was timely fitting to their plan for launching a game.

The decision to inherit an abandoned project had its problems. In a nutshell, the company hit a margin wall after having a contract and liquidity freeze. Luckily, the group was able to solve it 24 hours after its relaunch.

The team decided to go into safe and advanced modes to ensure the safety of its investors like; max wallet, Max trans and a black list for bots. A well-planned road map on their websites shows how the team looks to make this project a great success.

This Is How the Team Salvaged the Boat

The background towards attaining the space provided many loopholes. However, the team rose to the task and is marketing its services right and for the right reasons. The team manages good marketing strategies by spotting viable marketing platforms to invest in and get a good return.

KKI V2 was also offered to be ambassadors to Lady Cryptonic, Crypto Messiah partner with them. This is a move that paid well to skyrocket the crypto group.

Following the subsequent growth, the team has received two telegram channels that keep up with the events at KKI. Another prize that comes with its continuous development is the addition of two more partners: the SupercryptoApe and Zach Boychuk.

A tweet by @CryptoSuperApe looks to confirm that indeed great things are coming to the #KAKASHIINU community.

The site has a 17 – day old writing platform that has since attracted 4.3 million Market cap ATH, creating a solid community.

The team is proud to announce its launch for the NFT collection on rarible with NFTs in rotation weekly. Whereby, each sale of the NFT 50% of funds go back to a buyback and burn pool. We have already burnt 14,000 USD of supply.

Kakashi Inu Takes Pride in Its Team Towards Its Success

At KKI, we value our customers and in turn ensure their assets are secure. Therefore the company has a highly established and detailed staff operation. We ensure good communication within our structure, which in turn guarantees that work is done overlaps.

Kakashi Inu has recently come forward to showcase its epic reasons for success. As it emerged in a press release by the development team, the company values each member of its team. The lead developer takes pleasure.

By doing this, we feel that there is no chance of miscommunication or errors, and we all have a job to do; as a result of this, we don’t have any overlap, and things get done without issues.

Core Teams

The operation is led by four core individuals specializing in marketing, finance, graphics, and the leading developer.

This strong core team ensures that workflow runs smoothly. To add on, the five-year-old company thrives in transparency, honesty and openness with investors. The strong bond maintained between the investors and the group becomes the template for the investors’ excellent relationship with the community-based platform.

The lead developer is in charge of all funds and contract changes, leaving the personal financial liability to any inappropriateness. Which therefore ensures that the finance is keen on accounting for every expenditure.

To add to that, the team has separated itself from holding any tokens for its own. This has, in turn, maintained peaceful operations with token sales.

The Team Developing the AR NFT Game

KKI promises a unique game that will provide blood rushing excitement. From a press release by the team, the AR is a long-term goal that had been in the plan. The developing unit will execute the plan.

KKI V2 admits to having created shorter games in earlier times just for fun. A team that develops for fun: I mean what greatness we can expect. They have now shifted from creating for sheer enjoyment to massive awesomeness.

To more related news, as stated earlier in this article, the game will portray characters from marvel. However, these characters won’t be created by marvel studios; instead, all the characters are Inu – based designs. The similarities in structure to anime and marvel characters have obtained legal copyright access for naming and methods.

Before the end of next year, from the year of this publication, the coin based platform will have developed 50 – 100 characters. The animations and power-ups will then be ready for purchase at KKI’sKKI’s website. Community members are also viable for free spins to stand a chance for free NFTs, used to buy more characters or power-ups.

What Is KKI v2 Up To: Casino Style Game

Currently, the team is planning to launch a casino-style game in November 2021. The small game allows members to participate by engaging in spin wheel cycles, much like the casino games. Winners will get NFT collectables until the completion of the AR battle game. After that, the team will implement this small game in the main battle game to help in collecting more NFTs for character and power-ups boost.

In December, the group will create and run a trailer, E3 style, to create awareness and advertise the big battle game.

Shifting our focus to the coin base, slow but careful steps are the way out. The company tries to avoid hitting pumps and dumps, which will lure investors who may describe this inconsistency as a doomsday movie.

To grow the media, the team has comprehensive social media outreach and website follow-ups. The Canadian based team is fast growing and excelling its height. The lead developer has noted that they are recording a pace that is surpassing their target timelines.

Kakashi Inu V2 is the Future

The hope for the company is to have proposals that are surrounded by facts. Moreso, they may use the E3 trailer to establish their market volume for the eventual battle game. Kakashi Inu’s investors and community will receive a description containing the turnout of users for the trailer. Therefore, let’s all be on the lookout for this trailer that will be dropping in December 2021. Invest in Kakashi Inu V2, the future of augmented reality.