MetaZilla Is Out To Dominate Crypto: Insights On Meta’s New Cryptocurrency


What is Metzilla

MetaZilla, is a community token that draws its name from the city-destroying monster GodZilla and Meta, the realm beyond reality. This token aims to take the crypto world by storm. Working through Binance Smart Chain, MetaZilla, (MZ), intends to use a tax that will maintain its liquidity while it launches its takeover as the top token in the crypto market.

Should the token follow through with its systematic marketing strategies, execute its tokenomics with precision and maintain the support it has from its strong MetaZilla community, it stands a chance to become among, if not the biggest currency in the market.

The Vision Behind The Conquest

MetaZilla makes it clear that its mission is to conquer. To achieve its moonshot mission, they want to apply a tax that stabilizes the token’s liquidity.

Noting that they cannot conquer by themselves, MZ recognizes and appreciates that its ever-growing and zealous community. After growing its community, the token will be set to expand by migrating and mirroring on other networks. When all is said and done, MZ promises to go back to its followers and share the plunder of its conquest.

Metzilla also prides it self on having one of the best dev teams ever. It features a small team that is knowledgeable and experienced in crypto. As part of its conquest the team plans on frequent interactions with the community and also by having telegram calls. This will defiantly boost investors confidence and elevate Metzilla to the ranks it dreams of.

Some of The Milestones Achieved

Despite being a new token in the market Metzilla has already achieved some incredible milestones. Here are some of its notable milestones:

  • Starting from a $500 market cap and Metzilla has already reached over $3.1m within 24 hours
  • $MZ has a smart contract. There are no team or airdropped tokens and all tokens are traded on PancakeSwap
  • The liquidity pair holding $MZ and $BNB is locked
  • The token has a loaded marketing wallet whose transparency can be double checked

MetaZilla’s Tokenomics

As earlier mentioned, MZ will charge a tax of 10% to every transaction made. This means that when buying, selling or transferring $MZ, you get a 10 percent tax stored in $MZ. 5% of this tax will be go in the marketing wallet to help grow the token’s market further. The other 5% of the tax will have half of the $MZ tokens, 2.5%, sold for BNB. It will then be paired with the other 2.5% of the liquidity tax in $MZ.

How and Where to Buy Metzilla

Just like many other news coins and tokens, you can purchase Metzilla through PancakeSwap and Poocopin.

However, developers of Metazilla are hopeful to listing Metzilla in popular exchanges to make it the token more accessible to more of its community from far and beyond.

Taking Over The Future

Listing: MetaZilla plans on getting listings on Coinmarketcap and Coingecko some of the main listings as soon as possible.

Marketing: It also intends to partner with big influencers to create an online buzz and grow its community. This come with a backing with rigorous marketing efforts, like the Times Square billboards that will launch soon.

Asian Investors: Because of the massive numbers of Chinese followers and Investors, some of the marketing initiatives will target the Asian market.

Community Giveaways and Contests: MZ future also holds a lot of community activities and contests. These will be present primarily to appreciate their growing fan base. This could mean giveaways and even charity donations for members of the MetaZilla community.

Ultimately however, the biggest goal is to morph into developments in the gaming sector. The MetaZilla team is extremely passionate about building partnerships in the gaming industry as its the biggest teams goal.

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