Microsoft Integrates ChatGPT Technolgy into Developer Platform

Joshua Ramos
Source: Forbes

Reuters initially reported that Microsoft has continued its integration of ChatGPT technology; this time into a developer platform. Specifically, the OpenAI tech has now been integrated and bundled into the Power Platform program used to develop applications.

Following the system’s overwhelming popularity, Microsoft has continued expanding its ChatGPT-integrated offerings. Including its new Bing chatbot, delivering users with an advanced generative AI system, both alongside the company’s wealth of products.

Source: OpenAI

Microsoft Equips Developers with ChatGPT

Since its arrival in November, ChatGPT has become the talk of the tech world on every front. Blowing away users with its technological advancements has created a market for similar programs. Therefore, various companies and investment groups are seeking ways to capitalize on the generative AI craze.

One of the companies most benefitting had previously made an investment into the research firm behind the technology. Now, Microsoft has continued to integrate ChatGPT, this time into a developer platform.

How Long Did it Take ChatGPT to Reach 1 Million Users?
Source: ATRIA Innovation

Specifically, Reuters reported that the company has integrated the technology into its Power Platform. Moreover, the program is a developer tool that allows the creation of applications without robust coding requirements. Similarly integrating into Power Virtual Agent and AI Builder tools from the company.

Subsequently, the development marks yet another point of integration between both Microsoft and generative AI. Additionally, it has kicked off what seems to be an AI arms race. As everyone from Google to Meta has announced plans for a generative AI system of some sort.

ChatGPT has invested heavily in developer tools, with the Microsoft announcement coming after its release of an APT. Moreover, that announcement has shown a host of companies using the technology in interesting ways within their own services or applications.