We are more than aware of the detrimental effects human activity has had on the environment. Within the span of a few hundred years, beginning with the industrial revolution, we have accelerated the planet’s destruction to incredible levels. Of late, we have only increased our consumption, and hence, further pushed the pressure on the planet’s resources.
Our time is short, and with the current speed of environmental degradation, our time is only getting shorter. If we do not take the necessary steps needed to reverse our effects on the planet, humanity will not survive the millennium, some even say the century.
Cryptocurrencies have had a bad name when it comes to environmental issues. The Proof of Work (PoW) method of consensus, used by most notably Bitcoin, is an extremely power-hungry system. Although many projects are switching to the Proof of Stake (PoS) method of consensus, which has a much lesser impact on the environment as it uses less than 1% of the power needed by PoW, it still is a long way from saving the planet.
This is where the Privok Green Energy Network comes into play.
What is the Privok Green Energy Network?
Privok is a windmill-based sustainable green energy firm. They presently have a 3MW windmills capacity of electricity generation and are hoping to increase to 46.4MW in the future.

Privok has taken a significant step toward increasing wind energy production and supplying it to EV (electric vehicle) charging stations. Privok has released its PVK token on the crypto market to expand its green energy project. Privok concluded that unless it contributes to the saving planet mission, it will be unable to persuade others to take appropriate measures to preserve our planet’s natural environmental lifecycle. As a result, Privok has decided to distribute a portion of their PVK tokens to several global wild fund distributors.
Privok is launching a green energy ICO to fund the expansion of its windmills and the installation of more electric vehicle (EV) charging stations.
Privok’s Mission
The Privok ICO will be used to fund a 46.4MW power-producing infrastructure. The renewable energy produced will then be sold to energy purchasers or other energy producers. Profits earned from the sale of this energy will be utilized to fund their next EV charging station development project.
As we all know, the electric vehicle sector is rapidly growing around the world, with India being one of the most important markets. As a result, Privok plans to build additional Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in India in the future. Privok Charging Station will be the name of their electric vehicle charging station. All Privok green energy electricity will be used directly by electrical car owners at Privok EV charging stations. Privok can provide energy at a lower cost than other EV charging stations because of this process.
With PVK Token, every investor in the world can participate in the expansion of Privok’s EV charging station project and become a partner in a fast-growing EV charging station company. All profits from EV charging stations will be credited to the Privok wallet in PVK tokens. Their long-term goal is to build over 500 Privok EV Charging Stations in India. In each Privok charging station, they will offer up to 1000 investor partnerships. (Privok ICO investors will be given priority.) The Indian electric car market is dominated by large businesses such as Tata, Mahindra, Hyundai, and others. Additionally, in India, many electric two-wheeler companies are already doing quite well.
Privok has already distributed PVK tokens much global green energy and save the Earth organizations and influencers. These include 100 Million PVK tokens to Vitalik Buterin, 100 Million to India’s Crypto Covid Relief, 100 Million to CZ, CEO of Binance, among many others.
PVK Tokenomics
Privok will issue PVK Tokens in the amount of 21 billion. After the ICO, they will burn a predetermined amount of PVK Tokens every month for the next 14 months. (In 14 months, a total of 10 billion will be burned).

The Privok Liquidity round has ended, and the ICO Pre-sale has been running since January 18th, 2022. Users can purchase PVK Tokens from Privok.in using USDT (TRC20, BEP20, ERC20) during the Privok ICO Pre-sale phase.
PVK token buy back
Privok will buy back PVK tokens from an exchange or wallet every quarter once it has made a profit. They will buy back PVK tokens at a base price of $1, regardless of whether the exchange rate is less than $1 in the future.
To surmise, Privok Green Energy Network has taken it upon itself to incentivize saving the planet. Participants not only contribute to making the world greener but are rewarded for doing so. It is a great opportunity for environment enthusiasts to play a part in saving the environment, and also to take part in a blockchain project.
For more information, you can visit their official website.