SHINJA: Shibnobi Reveals Big Plans in Latest AMA

Paigambar Mohan Raj
Source: Twitter

Shibnobi (SHINJA) has revealed plenty of updates in their most recent AMA held on Valentines’ Day, 14th Feb 2022.

The team started with their Valentines’ Day Charity Competition. They are trying to raise enough funds to provide clean water to a village of their Nigerian Community members. The crypto realm’s greatest strength is its community-centric outlook.

In order to incentivize donating, the individual who donates the most by Wednesday night’s AMA will be awarded an opportunity to have an outing with none other than Strong, lead moderator at Shibnobi. The team is ready to pay for travel expenses if need be. If the winner is unable to have an outing with Strong, the team has promised an NFT reward for the individual instead.

Cliff, a core member of the development team, announced a new challenge for the community. He said if the token can reach 65,000 holders, he would keep reflection tax at 5% for the entire month of March.

Moreover, over the weekend on Telegram, Cliff had announced another listing on a Tier-1 exchange (apart from The team announced that they are not in a position to reveal the name of the exchange, as it would hamper the deal. The exchange will make the announcement on their end when the time is seen fit.

Speaking of, the Shibnobi team has said that the community can expect the prominent exchange to list their token within a week. However, they may ask to reschedule the listing to the end of the month, so that there is a week’s time before the listing and the one on the 22nd of February.

Shibnobi wrapped token?

The discussion touched upon creating a wrapped or bridged token of Shibnobi on other blockchains, that is still tied to their liquidity pool on the Ethereum network. They are considering options for the same.

Regarding Shibnobi Dojoswap listings, the legal department is reviewing the listing requirements before they can reach out to project leads that are interested to be listed on Dojoswap.

They are also working on staking and compounding NFT’s. Cliff is in conversation with Larry from CertiK on how this will pan out, given that their liquidity pool is very large. There will be more updates on this very soon.

Shibnobi also faced an issue recently when a presale holder broke the rules and sold all of the SHINJA tokens. There is a bot in place to prevent this from happening, but the person in question found a loophole around this rule. The team is working out a patch to fix this loophole. The remainder of the tokens is yet to be burned.

The team is also tirelessly working on revamping the Shibnobi website, which is scheduled to go live very soon.