Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the popular messaging app Telegram, was arrested around 8 p.m. this Saturday evening. He was detained as he stepped off his private jet at Le Bourget airport. Durov, a 39-year-old with dual French-Russian citizenship, was accompanied by a bodyguard and a woman at the time of his arrest.
The arrest was carried out by the French Air Transport Gendarmerie (GTA). Durov was listed in the French wanted persons file (FPR) and had just arrived from Azerbaijan. A French search warrant had been issued for him by the OFMIN, part of the national police’s criminal investigation division, based on a preliminary investigation.
Why Was He Wanted?
French authorities allege that Telegram’s lack of moderation, poor cooperation with law enforcement, and the tools it offers (like disposable numbers and cryptocurrencies) make Durov complicit in drug trafficking, child exploitation crimes, and fraud.
The search warrant was valid only if Durov was on French soil. “He made a mistake tonight. We’re not sure why… Was this flight just a stopover? Either way, he’s caught!” said a source close to the investigation. Since becoming aware that he was unwelcome in France, Durov had typically traveled to the UAE, former Soviet states, and South America. He rarely visited Europe and avoided countries where Telegram was under scrutiny.
What’s Next?
Investigators from the National Anti-Fraud Office (ONAF), have informed him of his charges and placed him in custody. He is expected to appear before an investigating judge this Saturday evening. By Sunday, he could face charges for multiple offenses, including terrorism, drug trafficking, complicity, fraud, money laundering, handling stolen goods, and child exploitation content.
“Pavel Durov will end up in pre-trial detention, that’s for sure,” an investigator told TF1/LCI. “On his platform, countless crimes and offenses were committed, and he did nothing to moderate or cooperate,” explained another source familiar with the case.
His pre-trial detention seems inevitable. In the eyes of law enforcement, it is likely that Durov, a billionaire, has substantial resources that could enable him to flee, and he lacks convincing assurances that would persuade judges to grant bail.
Crypto Industry

Telegram provided significant benefits to millions of users worldwide, particularly in terms of privacy, security, and ease of communication. Its encrypted messaging service offers a crucial layer of protection against unauthorized surveillance, making it a preferred choice for individuals and organizations that prioritize confidentiality. The platform has been used accross the cryptocurrency industry, creating communities, sharing news, and supporting innovative projects. However, recent news of Pavel Durov’s arrest led to a sharp 25% drop in the value of Toncoin (TON), Telegram’s native cryptocurrency.
A Global Crackdown
For investigators, this high-profile arrest serves multiple purposes. It sends a strong message to criminals who have been freely using Telegram to communicate and conduct illegal activities. It also aims to pressure European countries to work together more closely to force Telegram’s compliance on terrorism-related cases.
Recently, Telegram made headlines for users illegally broadcasting Ligue 1 soccer matches. Durov has committed to providing his users free speech without censorship. However, investigators argue that this caused Telegram to “become the number one platform for organized crime.”
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