Tornado Cash Developers may be Punished for Codes used to Commit Crimes

Tornado Cash
Source: GovInfoSecurity

The Dutch agency that arrested a Tornado Cash developer says that other developers may be punished for creating codes for the “sole purpose of committing criminal acts,” according to the Netherlands FIOD.

The FIOD’s statement, provided to DeFi Education Fund, was posted by the advocacy group on Twitter on Aug. 17. The developer currently under arrest is Alexey Pertsev, according to his wife. The FIOD suspects Pertsev of obscuring criminal money flow and facilitating money laundering.

The recent comments by the Netherlands FIOD poses a threat to all software developers, and may have implications on developers who’s software is used for illicit purpose. This includes other Tornado Cash developers who possibly worked alongside Pertsev.

Tornado Cash sanctioned by the United States went into effect at the beginning of August. The mixer is popular among hackers looking to hide their tracks from digital theft. Tornado Cash was used by the hackers who made away with 440 Ethereum from Bent Finance.

North Korea’s presence on the platform is increasingly high as well. Correspondingly, the most recent set of developments in the Tornado Cash sanctions will certainly impact hackers and the future of Tornado Cash.

Tornado Cash has yet to comment on Pertsev’s arrest.