Will Taco Bell Accept DogeCoin as a Payment Option?

Taco Bell accepts Dogecoin

Taco Bell might begin accepting Dogecoin as Payment.

Intriguing Partnership an Enabler

A new partnership between BitPay Inc. and Verifone Inc. could see customers pay for various services via cryptocurrencies.

BitPay is partnering with Verifone, one of the largest providers of VDU for card payments. The partnership will see these machines allow US merchants’ crypto and token transactions.

“Verifone’s merchant base includes many of the world’s largest and most well-known brands looking to tap into the growing crypto market.” Co-founder and CEO of BitPay, Stephen Pair, was quoted in Verifone’s press release. “This partnership allows these businesses to accept crypto payments.”

BitPay has demonstrated its capabilities with more than 60,000 transactions per month. The majority of which are in Bitcoin, according to Bitpay themselves.

Crypto Market Value Recognized

The Verifone press release outlined what the crypto market could offer. Furthermore, they highlighted that the partnership is mutually beneficial. Cryptocurrency’s $2 trillion market cap has been marked as an incredible sum. In this arrangement, both parties can access the benefits throughout the duration.

“Our merchant base is busy enabling several new advanced payment methods (APMs). Yet, the appetite for crypto payments has exploded this year.” Verifone Head of APMs, Jeremy Belostock, explained. “Together, we have solved all the potential challenges for merchants. So, there’s no translation risk, low discharge costs, and a seamless payment experience.”

With the rise of crypto, it is possible to use your favorite fast food restaurant as a way of spending them. For instance, you could order something from Taco Bell and pay with DOGE or Bitcoin instead.

We know you’re all buzzing about this latest development, and we are too. The newest affair will have a significant impact on the conversion rate and further adoption. We’ll be following closely what kind of change this leads us to.

Dogecoin Surge

If Taco Bell accepts Dogecoin, the coin might surge. It could skyrocket to new heights. If they buy cryptocurrencies, then holders of DOGE would make huge profits as their investment pays off. As of now, though, taco bell seems to be keen on accepting payment using DOGE.

But, one limit with Dogecoin is that, unlike Bitcoin, Dogecoin has a limitless supply. Dogecoin is a fun, digital alternative currency with the same benefits as Bitcoin. It has an exponentially increasing collection that acts like low-value Bitcoins. Currently, there are about 130 billion in circulation.