Axie Infinity Guild CGU Helps Axie Players With Scholarships


Axie Players at CGU Enjoy Multiple Benefits

The Axie Infinity Crypto Gaming United (CGU) guild sponsors playing in NFT Axie play-to-earn games. In addition, CGU will also educate and mentor its players to improve their skills in gaming and knowledge of Cryptocurrency.

What is Axie Infinity?

Axie Infinity

Axie Infinity is a play-to-earn crypto game that employs NFT monster characters for battle. Users use the Ethereum Blockchain to mint each NFT character.

The NFT players earn after completing daily missions, defeating monsters, and battling other players. The digital earnings that players receive are Smooth love potions (SLP), known to hold rapidly increasing value. SLPs can be converted to other forms of currency on various cryptocurrency platforms.

READ ALSO: How to Breed Axies in Axie Infinity

Conversely, Axies are rare breeds; meaning, each Axie is different from the other. Each Axie has differing strengths and attributes; thus, they are costly to acquire, borrow and breed. Nevertheless, if you can get one character and generate it to be the strongest, you get the highest price in the market.

What is Guild in Axie Infinity?

As stated earlier, Axies are expensive. Therefore, some groups have come together to fund the high initial cost. In return, the Axie Infinity guilds earn through the players’ SLP points earnings.

One of the guilds stated above is the CGU which is based in Singapore. The Crypto Gaming United discords server has approximately 100,000 users and is still open for new registrations. CGU is always inviting more scholars from the Axie Infinity discord server.

Discord Server

A discord server is a platform that allows communities and individuals to create free subsequent servers. With the servers, the users can chat and send audio about a specific topic. In our case, the CGU discord server facilitates communication for issues surrounding NFTs, Cryptocurrencies, and, majorly, Axie Infinity.

CGU’s Scholarship Plan

According to Sergei Sergienko, the co-founder of CGU, this guild allows players to battle without paying any money for their Axies. In addition to that, he added that the NFT and Axie costs are covered via a $ 4,000 scholarship for each player.

Eventually, CGU will earn from the players’ SLPs in a structured share of opportunities. 50% of each player’s SLP goes to CGU’s token investors. Another 5% of the SLP is distributed to local managements of where CGU is based.

The company plans to add a “pension plan” of 3% to 5% to the players, which provides social security initiatives.

SLP’s Earnings Track

Sergei further gave some statistics about their player’s earnings. He stated that high-ranking players acquire up to 680 SLPs per day. Their play rate stands at an average of six hours per day.

On the other hand, Low ranking players earn just about $120 in 60 hours per month, higher than total time salaries in some countries.

Personal Testimonials

In addition to CGU’s popularity in many countries, it has a platform to comment about its services. CGU runs the crypto-freelancing platform LaborX platform, which has stories from different individuals about their experience working with CGU.