Cardano Ventures into Artificial Intelligence, Partners with Awakening Health


Cardano (ADA), the fourth-largest crypto by market cap, has been making news recently. On September 12, it became capable of executing smart contracts. This was the Alonzo upgrade. Since then, the ADA ecosystem has seen some nice growth. Recently, Cardano ventured into a partnership with Awakening Health, an AI robotics company. They will integrate Grace on ADA blockchain.

Grace? Who (or What) is Grace?

Grace is an Artificial Intelligence robot created at Awakening Health labs. The primary function of Grace is to bring a change to the global healthcare practice. Cardano is now looking to integrate Grace’s modules. Thus, this will allow her to meet universal standards of healthcare provision.

How is Artificial Intelligence (Grace) Going to Help the Health Industry?

Grace can speak several languages, including Korean, Cantonese, and English. Grace has been designed to care for aged patients and also those in quarantine. Dr. Hanson did a great job making her look like a healthcare worker. Grace also has an almost life-like face. On top of that, Grace can take patients’ temperatures using a thermal camera embedded in her chest. Dr. Hansen also programmed her to respond to emotions. Thus, she will be empathetic when offering diagnoses to patients.

Who is Awakening Health Anyways?

The company behind Grace is Awakening Health. Yet, it is also a joint venture between two bigger companies. The companies are Hanson Robotics and Singularity Studios. Besides, Awakening Health has many partners globally, including Hong Kong, Ethiopia, Brazil, and even Seattle. The founders of Awakening Health are Dr. David Hanson, Dr. Ben Goertzel, and David Lake. Also, David Lake is the CEO of Awakening Health.

The deep connections with big groups make this partnership interesting for investors. Awakening Health chose ADA network to help them meet the strict international health guidelines.

Why Was Cardano Choosen for this Artificial Intelligence Project?

The decentralized nature of the ADA network and its smart contracts will play a big part. These features allow Grace to do her duties at the best performance. Additionally, Cardano offers the built-in security that comes with blockchain technology. By using the Cardano network, Grace can be sure that her medical records will not be changed or hacked. All records will be stored on the immutable blockchain.

Blockchains have proven to be the cheapest way of operating businesses. For example, Baseline saved the Coca Cola company millions of dollars by using Ethereum. Similarly, Cardano will help Awakening Health save millions in operational costs. Cardano’s ability to scale will allow Grace to perform at optimal capacity.

ADA’s Future

Presently, ADA is trading at $2.11, a massive percentage up from the beginning of the year. Cardano has faced harsh criticism from the entire blockchain community. Yet, Charles Hoskinson, Cardano Founder, has managed to stand his ground. His project managed to remain in the top 10 largest cryptocurrencies. That is not a small feat. The road ahead for ADA is exciting.

Traders have been very active over the past year. While Cardano had no product to show the investors, traders kept ADA floating in the top 10 ranks. Now that smart contracts are live, there is little critics can do to pull down the price of ADA.