MekaVerse NFT Official Launch in 6 days


The Japanese Inspired MekaVerse NFT project is finally ready for release. As is the norm in the NFT space, NFTs are distributed in airdrops which the recipient has to mint. According to their Twitter announcement, their NFT Raffle Drop will be on Oct. 6, 2021. This also marks the official launch of the NFT.

The MekaVerse NFT collection consists of 8,888 items. Calling themselves the #MEKAGANG on Twitter, the community around the project has grown. Currently, MekaVerse has more than 100,000 followers on the Twitter platform. The project initially went official on Aug. 28 after creating their Twitter account. Since then, they have worked tirelessly to update their community regularly about their progress. After two months of anticipation, the #MEKAGANG will now be able to get their hands on the MekaVerse NFTs.

Given the team’s success this far and in only two months, the MekaVerse NFT prices will likely shoot up very fast. In comparison, Larva Labs, the team that created the famous CryptoPunks NFT collections, only has 77k followers on Twitter.

What is a Raffle Drop?

Mekaverse NFT

The MekaVerse development team has decided to distribute the 8,888 Mekas through a raffle drop. A raffle drop is something between an airdrop and a raffle competition, and most likely contains qualities of both systems. The raffle aspect of the drop will prevent ‘Gas Wars.’ At times of regular NFT distributions, the gas prices on Ethereum have been known to skyrocket. MekaVerse Devs are taking this into consideration with this raffle drop structure.

Drop Structure

According to the MekaVerse team, on the day of the drop (Oct. 6, 2021), the chances of being chosen for a raffle ticket will depend on the number of total registrations. Also, you should note that the price of minting NFTs is the highest of all Ethereum protocols. Presently, to mint an NFT could cost you 0.2 ETH or more. That’s crazy high.

Additionally, you can only register for a maximum of two Mekas per participant. This is good because it creates a fair drop chance for every member. The team wants every person, even those not familiar with NFTs. This shows the team cares about their project and their community.

Typically, to increase your chances of winning a raffle competition, you have to have many tickets. The more raffle tickets you have, the higher your chances of winning a Meka. Since the MekaVerse community is in the hundreds of thousands, we expect this will be a tight and stiff competition. Consequently, when MekaVerse NFTs hit the OpenSea NFT marketplace, the price floor will rise fast.


Oct. 6 would have been nasty for other Ethereum users in terms of spikes in gas prices. However, Mattey and Matt. B, the creators, have designed a way around the problem. This goes even further to prove the MekaVerse NFT project is a Blue Chip venture. Finally, may the best #MEKAGANG member win.