Michael Saylor’s Interview on Bitcoin: MicroStrategy’s CEO’s Take on Bitcoin

Michael Saylor

Apart from his refusing to sell any company holdings even when its value crashes, Michael Saylor is also known for his outspoken love for Bitcoin. In a recent interview, the MicroStrategy CEO shares his view and why he loves it.

Michael Saylor shares seeing Bitcoin as “digital property” in the interview. He adds,

“ You’re going to want to build your buildings on a solid footing of granite, so bitcoin is made to last forever — high integrity, very durable… I think that as the market starts to understand these things, there’s a place for everybody.”

In his interview, Saylor mentions how desirable the digital currency becomes as time progresses due to its value increase over time. The CEO was also keen to highlight that it has no maintenance cost unlike other investments like land. As he shared his thoughts, he voiced his thought of Bitcoin demonetizing other assets such as land in the future.

A History of Michael Saylor’s Relationship with Bitcoin

Michael Saylor is also known as the ‘Bitcoin evangelist.’ One of his popular sayings goes way back to 2014. Back then, the digital currency was below $11,400. He referred to Bitcoin as “digital gold.” He stated that it is “harder, stronger, faster and smarter than any money that has preceded it.”

The American CEO’s Bitcoin journey started back on August 11, 2020. He announced that the firm was making a $250 million long-term investment in Bitcoin. This move made him the first CEO of a publicly listed company to make a long-term Bitcoin investment. This had to be a risky move for the Nasdaq-listed business intelligence firm.

Saylor’s risky move inspired companies such as Square, Tesla, and MassMutual to invest close to billions into the digital currency. Co-founder and president of crypto custodian Anchorage, Diogo Mónica affirms this statement up.

“Michael Saylor’s decision to invest…has paved the way for other corporate leaders to explore…Bitcoin…,” he noted.

Saylor was quick to share his latest $250 purchase on Twitter.

“MicroStrategy has purchased an additional 5,050 bitcoins for ~$242.9 million in cash,” the American author tweeted,” at an average price of ~$48,099 per bitcoin.” Saylor is estimated to be worth $3 billion, given his stake in the business firm.

Saylor also shared on his Twitter that he personally holds 17,732 BTC.

More on MicroStrategy

MicroStrategy is currently the biggest corporate cryptocurrency investor. The holds 114,042 BTC which are roughly worth over $5.1 billion. Tesla is the second-largest holder having $1.5 billion worth of the popular digital currency.

Months after the risky move made by its CEO, MicroStrategy currently sits on paper profits of $3.4 billion. The firm’s stock currently trades at $631. The stocks had once traded for a whopping $1,272. This was an 842% increase from $135 which was the share price during MicroStrategy’s initial $250 million BTC investment.