Microsoft Integrates ChatGPT into Bing Search Engine

Joshua Ramos
Microsoft OpenAI ChatGPT
Source: Forbes

Microsoft is set to integrate ChatGPT into its Bing search engine, utilizing the viral chatbot to hopefully compete with Google’s search engine dominance. The OpenAI developed program has taken the tech world by storm, and Microsoft’s massive investment in the company is certainly paying dividends.

The AI-arms race has officially begun with Google investing in its own research and development firm to compete with ChatGPT. Through the OpenAI investment, Bing could also see a renewed place as a search engine alternative due to the program’s massive popularity.

ChatGPT Integrated into Bing

The Wall Street Journal has reported that Microsoft is set to integrate ChatGPT into its Bing search engine. The report notes that the integration is seen as a chance for Microsoft to reignite the search engine wars — a war long dominated by Google.

In terms of the race to develop the greatest AI system, Microsoft has pushed Google to compete. ChatGPT has taken the world by storm, with a program so advanced many sectors are fearful for their jobs. Now, there is optimism at Microsoft that its popularity and capabilities could intrigue renewed focus into Bing.

Source: Forbes

The report notes that there will be an event Tuesday to announce the upgraded search engine. Stating, “The Bing upgrade will enable a new kind of search in which people will pose questions to the search engine in natural language and it will generate direct answers.”

The technology’s integration is certainly a step forward for the search engine and gives it an edge that Google could not currently compete with. ChatGPT has been a consistent headline for the past two weeks. Its collaboration with the Bing search engine also gives it necessary user consistency with various search engine users.