Nissan Accepting Dogecoin as Payment

Nissan Dogecoin

Bitcoin was the first and is a widely known cryptocurrency. However, other stars have been rising in the crypto market over the years, and Dogecoin is one of them. However, after its introduction, many investors did not take it seriously.

Over the years, Doge has grown to be one of the hottest cryptos. To stamp our claims that Dogecoin has grown is the news that Daytona Nissan is now accepting Dogecoin as a payment method.

Following an announcement on their website, Twitter and Facebook page, Nissan announced that their customers could make Dogecoin payments.

As the prices of crypto rise, more businesses are opening doors to valuable assets. However, due to the volatility of crypto assets, these businesses are putting strict caveats for customers using crypto as a mode of payment.

Nissan Accepts Only $5000 Worth of Dogecoin

Due to the risk involved with cryptocurrencies, Nissan only allowed customers to pay up to $5000 worth of Dogecoin. This means that you cannot pay the total cost of a vehicle using Dogecoin only. Also, the offer was valid for a limited period.

What’s more, as part of the terms and conditions of using Dogecoin, the Nissan requires buyers to convert the Dogecoin to US dollars using their preferred trading platforms.

Kendall Garrison, co-owner and supervisor at Nissan, confessed that he did have much knowledge about Dogecoin. But, he took up a challenge to run an offer using Dogecoin from one of his employees.

After the promotion, Garrison admits that the promotion has been of great benefit to the company and has exposed them to the world of digital currency.

He further stated that they are receiving numerous customers who prefer to pay using Dogecoin. Ricardo Santiago, a customer who paid the down payment for his car from this dealership, urged Dogecoin investors to take advantage of the golden opportunity.

What Can Dogecoin Do?

From the text above, it is clear that you can use Dogecoin to pay for products and services. In addition, you can buy and store Dogecoin on your crypto wallet. Also, you can mine Dogecoin and trade it for other cryptocurrencies in various crypto exchanges.

Investors buy large amounts of Dogecoin and resell to make profits. What’s more, the community has a soft heart. Most of their profits go to donations and charity work.

Lastly, Dogecoin serves as an internet tipping currency. Artists and writers on different internet platforms get Dogecoin tips for their masterpieces.

Skepticism About Dogecoin

Following the recent growth of Dogecoin, more people are bracing themselves to purchase Doge. However, some analysts in the crypto market are still insisting on the risk involved with this coin.

Nick Carter, an investment specialist, recently said that Dogecoin is the vehicle of speculation. He further stated that the coin holds value in the short term, but you cannot trust its future.

However, some big names in the crypto market, like Elon Musk, believe that Dogecoin is the future currency of the earth. Musk openly shows his love for this coin on every opportunity he gets and especially on his tweets.