Nobility Token Merges Crypto To ESport: Holders Receive $4,000,000 BUSD Reflections In Total

Source: BTC Manager

PRESS RELEASE: The Nobility token has brought the world of cryptocurrency and ESports together for the first time through an outstanding project spearheaded by Noble.

There is an ever growing need for contributors in the ESports sector to have a cryptocurrency that benefits them. Nobility ($NBL) is the token that will see this through. $NBL is an exciting crypto project with the backing of American ESport organization, Noble.

NobleGG, shortened to Noble, is among United State’s biggest and most esteemed ESports organizations. The ESports giant get credit for its dedication towards using blockchain technology to grow the Esports gaming industry.

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Noble’s focus lies on finding solutions to the current problems plaguing the industry. It’s also keen on maximizing the benefits of Decentralized Finance, DeFi. Through DeFi, it creates a play-and-earn type of structure that will secure revenue for both ESport content creators and their viewers.

The Nobility Way Of Making Money

Nobility users will be making a bank from the token. Using the Nobility Use wallet, the users can stake the token for a period of time and get some extra cash for doing so. Besides staking, the Nobility Use wallet has a series of uses related to the token.

One can apply the wallet for marketing, funding scholarships, business development, prize pools for ESports tournaments, giveaways and community events, all of which aim to benefit investors.

Nobility Token Tokenomics

This ESport themed currency also has a plan to make some big bucks. The tokenomics ideally center around staking. Nobility is a token designed for adoption and use cases. This means when more people hold the token over certain time periods, the more the token’s volume rises, and in turn, the higher the tokenomics spike.

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Nobility’s Tokenomics comprises OF three factors, namely: LP acquisition, reflection and inherent burn. All Nobility holders with a minimum of 200,000 Nobility Tokens, will receive reflections, Binance pegged USD (BUSD), through the Nobility website.

This payment comes from a 7% tax subjected to all transactions, and distributed by weight to all holders who qualify. Additionally, as it stands, Nobility has paid a total of over $4,000,000 to their holders.

How To Buy Nobility

There are two ways to buy Nobility tokens. The most recommended of these is the FloozTrade Method.

  • Method 1:

To buy Nobility using this method, you first need to download Metamask, or Trust Wallet. If yo are on iOS, then you can also use SafePal. Once this is done,you can click on buy now and select the connect wallet option.

After this is set up, the next step is to buy BNB by clicking the Buy BNB button. At this point it is now possible to swap BNB for a corresponding amount of $NLB by pressing swap and confirm.

  • Method 2:

Alternatively, Nobility users can opt for the second option which is the PancakeSwap Method.

This would typically involve getting the downloaded versions of the wallets as mentioned above. Then you have to buy from the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and send the tokens bought to your wallet. After this, you can now select the amount desired and click swap to confirm the transaction. Putting a slippage of 12% to 14% would be a good place to start.

The Team Behind Nobility Token

Nobility’s success is also largely dependent on the team of experts working to grow the token. Among them is a team of business moguls like David Chen who is a sitting board member at FaZe Clan. The team also includes marketing gurus, and highly-skilled software developers.

There are also partnerships enabling the token’s growth. These include: a partnership from one of the biggest players in eCommerce development, WifiMoney. There are also partners like Commloan and MiCamp.

Since the token cannot be successful without its users, Nobility recognizes its investors and ever-growing loyal fan base. This, they believe, is an important part of their team. It explains the extensive use of social media networks put forth to reach out to their fan base.

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