As it is the norm, SafeMoon’s CEO John Karony and Global Head of Products Ryan Arriaga joined the Safemoon Army on SafeMoons official Twitter account and You tube channel for an interactive session where they discussed what SafeMooners should expect soon. The main topics covered by the pair today included updates on the wallet, new encryption, new UI, new accessibility features, and language support. Here is a summary of what was discussed in today’s SafeMoon Sunday AMA.

Safemoon Sunday Announcements
V2 Release Date
The V2 release is one of the most anticipated thing at the moment. Even though John and Ryan did not confirm the exact date for the V2 release, they confirmed the following things:
- The migration process from V1 to V2 will be seamless with only a single click.
- Delay in releasing V2: They mentioned that they are working with some other 3rd party companies in implementing the V2; that’s why there has been a delay in releasing it
- How ever Ryan hinted that the V2 release will come in under a month
- V2 will include a lower tax fee of 2% to facilitate the use of SafeMoon in commerce
- 10% transaction fee will still apply to day traders
SafeMoon NFTs Update
In today’s big news, John and Ryan confirmed that SafeMoon is building the SafeMoon NFT ecosystem, which will be available on mobile and web. The NFT space will feature something new and unique, which will allow for the NFT sales. Here are some important notes as noted by the team:
- The commerce section will include only 2% transaction fees rather than the 10% used for regular trading
- Also, the collections on the SafeMoon NFT platform will be purely community-driven. So, SafeMoon won’t own any products on the marketplace
Apple (iOS) Update
SafeMoon had earlier announced that they had submitted the SafeMoon app to Apple for approval. SafeMoon have confirmed that Apple rejected their request to list the SafeMoon app on the AppStore. This is attributed to the fact that the app has an NFT section that Apple does not allow.
However, John confirmed that all Apple requires SafeMoon to do is to remove the NFT section to be listed again. Even thought this is possible, the SafeMoon team feels that it will unfair to have one wallet (Android) hosting an NFT section and the iOS one not having the section, so they have opted to resolve that first before trying to get the app back to the AppStore.
Wallet Updates
John Karony shared that the SAFEMOON WALLET so far has 350,000+ downloads on both Android and iOS. He also hinted that the new update V2 would come with fantastic wallet upgrades. Some of the updates SafeMooners should look forward to include:
- Launch of more SWAP pairs for ETH and BSC
- A reflection tracker will be added
- The wallet will soon be localized in over 13 countries and feature six languages
- SafeMooners are also promised that the team is working hard to make sure that in the future, all wallets for SafeMoon tokens are unified in one area
- Dark mood is coming with new UI
- More accessibility features will be added
- Bitcoin and Dogecoin will be coming to the SAFEMOON WALLET. More coins will follow suit
Wind Turbines
CEO John Karony shared that SafeMoon is committed to using renewable energy around the world.
So they are working with a third-party firm which will provide the wind turbine.
He also clarified that SafeMoon will not be selling the turbines but the energy as a utility.
Security and Encryption
On the last session of Safemoon Sundays, SafeMooners wanted to know what security measures have been put in place to safeguard data and information. Following the promises made on the by John and Ryan during the Sunday AMA on encryption, this is what was confirmed today.
- SafeMoon will soon have a single sign-in option for all SafeMoon products
- SafeMoon Encryption is going to be NIST certified
- The updated encryption will also include a click button. This button is meant to flip the current wallet into a safer one
From this Sunday’s AMA, we learned a lot of new things; like that SafeMoon is currently working on some major partnerships, which will be announced in due time. John and Ryan also summarized what we should expect form the V2 in three words “CONNECT, COMPLIANCE, ACCESSIBILITY.”
Join us in two weeks time as we cover all you need to know on SafeMoon Sunday AMAs.