ShibaSwap has advanced significantly since its debut in July 2021. Token trading and staking are made possible through Shiba Inu’s native DEX, along with additional features like liquidity pools and governance. By doing this, it has entered into the arena of rivalry with other decentralized exchanges like Uniswap.
ShibaSwap is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency exchange (DEX) that enables users to swap tokens. On ShibaSwap, users may directly “swap” tokens; a third-party protocol is not required to validate the transaction. Since ShibaSwap is based on the Ethereum network, only ERC-20 tokens may be traded by users.
With a bunch of developments coming in from the Shiba Inu team, the SHIB community thought that the focus from the ShibaSwap was steered away. That’s when the hints of ShibaSwap v2 popped up. Let us take a deeper look at what is ShibaSwap v2 and its features.
What is ShibaSwap 2.0?
The ShibaSwap DEX will receive an upgrade called ShibaSwap 2.0, which should include a number of brand-new features. One of the hints received from Discord by developer Eric M is that ShibaSwap 2.0 won’t be just a swap platform but also a crypto portal.
In an AMA session conducted in February, it was hinted that the new crypto portal would include news, charts, stats, trends, and anything else that the community would like to see.
Shiba Inu Discord moderator Queenie has also teased that there will be a complete redesign of the interface.
As of now, there haven’t been any hints of an official launch date. This might be due to the fact that the v2 portal might still be in its development stage. Letting out an official date and having delays with that will raise too many questions. However, the developments might be progressing quickly, and they might roll out before the end of 2022.