What is Binance Smart Chain (BSC)?

Binance’s new blockchain, BSC offers users the best of both worlds when it comes to using smart contracts. On one hand you can have a high transaction capacity with scalability and on the other side is advanced functionality through its use of smart contract features like decentralized exchanges or token-based rewards for driving traffic back to your website that would otherwise be difficult without an in-built solution such as this technology provides!

Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is a blockchain network that allows for developers to create more immersive applications than possible before. With developer friendly tools and easy integration into existing systems, they’re able to offer two options: High Transaction Capacity OR Advanced Functionality via their usage of Ethereum based DApps.

The Binance Smart Chain features the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), enabling it to run applications including MetaMask. With low latency and high capacity, developers can build decentralized apps with ease on this platform.

Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is on a roll in early 2021, thanks to the latest developments with Ethereum. The BSC community has been making moves and has taken advantage of Etherum’s congestion issues by lowering gas fees from 15 Gwei to 10 Gwei for new users looking for an alternative that’s cost-effective, stable, and better than BNB at around $300 per coin.

Attributes of BSC:


Binance Smart Chain is a standalone blockchain that runs parallel to Binance Coin. The two might not exist without the other, but BSC will continue to operate its relevant functions if BC stops operating.

Ethereum Compatible

The beta version of BSC has an innovative contract feature that is Ethereum-compatible. This means developers can create, migrate and build DApps on its nexus without much difficulty.

Native Interoperability

BSC and BC are two separate blockchain networks employing the Cosmos Network protocol. To interact seamlessly makes it incredibly easy for users who want to shift between cryptocurrencies on either chain.

Staking and Community Governance

The Binance coin (BNB) is a cryptocurrency that can be “staked” to help network security and voting in community governance agreements. The proof-of-stake model of the coin also allows it to process its deals much faster than entire PoW networks, making it an elite currency for all your crypto needs!

Staked Authority

BSC utilizes a delegated PoS and Proof of Authority (PoA) to get a system consensus, maintaining the blockchain’s security. The latter is highly resistant to 51% attacks and its tolerance towards Byzantine Attacks.

There are selected validators who confirms transactions on the network while they’re tasked with producing blocks under a proof of authority fashion. Which takes into consideration their stake along with their reputation within that community. if one wants to become such a validator. Then they must put up BNB tokens as collateral for initiating validation rounds among other things like voting rights. Or even delegating them out depending upon how much power you’d want someone else wielding your money through staking it at will.

Validator Quorum

The BSC network is secure by validator sets of 21, which are elected every day. Candidates for election also be anyone who stakes their coins in the top 21 nodes with the highest stake. Only those will be chosen as members of the next validator set at an epoch period consisting of 240 blocks (around 20 minutes). The system also executes slashing to restrain malicious players from verifying flawed transactions.

Binance Smart Chain

The BSC is a faster, low-cost DApp for digital currency users. The daily active users keep surging, and by January 2021, transaction volume had hit $15 billion.

As long as congestion is a significant problem with Ethereum, then more and more people will be looking for alternative options. Some of the most popular alternatives are Cardano, Polkadot, and BSC, which provide satisfying solutions to some of these problems.

What we Think About Binance Smart Chain

With a transaction volume of $15 billion, Binance’s Smart Chain DApp is no slouch. With 50,000 daily unique active wallets and growing virality among crypto users who want to enjoy the speediness and low-costs that it offers them without having to own their coins outright. Or pay out high transaction fees like what they would with traditional exchanges. There really isn’t any other platform for individuals looking for an affordable experience in this space.

As long as Ethereum continues to struggle with congestion, slow transaction speeds and exorbitant fees on the blockchain network. Also more people will look for cheaper options such as BSC. This is because they want a reliable cryptocurrency platform. Also one that can process transactions quickly without costing them an arm and leg in terms of charges.