What is Swan Bitcoin, How Does it Help Save BTC’s Value?

Paigambar Mohan Raj
Bitcoin: Percent of Supply Last Active 2+ Years Ago Reaches ATH of 53.004%
Source: Mint

Most investors purchase Bitcoin (BTC) through exchanges. However, one of the drawbacks of exchanges is that they also act as custodians for the assets bought by the users. Moreover, passwords and two-factor authentication are usually the only security measures.

When it comes to helping customers who wish to purchase BTC, exchanges have a disadvantage. It is simply not feasible for them to concentrate only on Bitcoin purchasers given the variety of digital coins available on their platform. They lack specialists who evaluate how BTC should fit into the buyer’s portfolio.

The scenario declares the requirement for a platform tailored to BTC investors. Here’s where Swan Bitcoin comes into play. It serves typical clients as well as high-net-worth individuals and companies as a BTC-only accumulation platform.

What is Swan Bitcoin?

Using the dollar-cost averaging method, Swan Bitcoin enables one to save value in BTC. It enables customers to sign up for both one-time and recurring BTC purchases in exchange for a fee. Additionally, the platform does not take a spread on a purchase. The difference between an asset’s buy (offer) and sale (bid) prices is referred to as a spread.

Users only need to link their bank accounts with Prime Trust in order to purchase BTC. The platform enabled users to assign a BTC address, set up a withdrawal timetable, and automate the transfer of money from their bank accounts to Swan accounts. The users also have the option of choosing any amount and duration.

Swan has brought on board specialists with in-depth knowledge of the Bitcoin ecosystem to help private clients create a personalized plan for investing in BTC. Investors also get the opportunity to converse with an expert resource.

Swan’s adviser services, which include reporting and rebalancing, make it easier to incorporate Bitcoin into customer portfolios. Users can get a thorough overview of their accounts through reporting. Portfolio rebalancing is the process of realigning the assets that make up an investment portfolio in order to change the risks involved. To achieve the desired level of asset allocation, rebalancing entails buying or selling Bitcoin.

BTC is one of the few digital assets recognized under American law as a property rather than a security. Furthermore, 89% of the time, holding BTC has turned out to be profitable. The original cryptocurrency is the best-performing asset in the last decade. Even during financially volatile periods, BTC continues to outperform other asset classes.