Wolverinu Massive Growth to the Top

Source: financeyahoo

Wolverinu, a project that only debuted a month ago, is glad to inform its community that it has reached a critical milestone of 14,000+ Token Holders.

Source: Woolverinu

When looking at the growth and market position of Wolverinu coin, it’s hard to imagine the project is just a month old at the time of publication. On October 23, 2021, Wolverinu, an ERC-20 coin, swept the Ethereum network by storm.

It has already shattered multiple records with over 14,000 holders in such a short period of time. With offers that aim to establish a play to earn NFT game on Metaverse, NFT Marketplace, staking capabilities on their website, and much more as indicated in their roadmap. The community has quickly and naturally garnered an epic cult following.

Everything is for the good of the community

The Wolverinu development team has been working nonstop for months, to meet deadlines and actively engage with their community daily. Early members of the community have reaped benefits not available to them when investing in other ventures.

Some of the many advantages that have the community buzzing include personalized Wolverinu avatars generated for all holders.

Other promotions include a free NFT promised to anyone who has not sold on their position for 4 weeks. “Something about this endeavor feels exactly perfect to me.” It appears to be the consensus among holders, dubbed “The Vibe Tribe ” so eloquently.

Source: Wolverinu

Wolverinu has announced exchange listings of the token on Uniswap, Shibaswap, Fegex, Sushiswap, Lbank, Hotbit, and Bitmart, giving holders more options. For each transaction on the blockchain, Wolverinu uses a proprietary computation in their tokenomics. In what is called “reflections,” 1% of each purchase or sale of the token is redistributed among the holders.

This means that simply holding the tokens will raise your overall quantity of tokens over time. 4 percent goes to the repurchase wallet, where these tokens will be burned at some point in the future, lowering the circulating supply. 5% of all transactions will go into the marketing wallet. These will be used to augment an aggressive marketing approach aimed at generating endorsements and widespread awareness for the token.

Prior to purchasing, buyers should conduct research on each exchange to confirm that reflections are supported on a certain application.

Solace in Uncertain Times

A one-year locked liquidity pool is available thanks to a frequently burning total supply of 1 quintillion tokens. By surrendering the contract address, Wolverinu extends their validity even more while maintaining their tokenomics in eternity. The world-renowned CertiK Blockchain Security Team is conducting a detailed audit of the token. The team will release the audit to the public once complete.

The Wolverinu team’s freshly sharpened Adamantium claws appear to have merely scraped the surface of their roadmap’s second phase (Bone Claw). It will be a busy month and a half leading up to the end of the year. The creators plan to release a beta version of their play to earn the game.


Wolverinu’s full-time professional artists, including Paradox (ShibaToken logo designer), will create art museum quality NFTs for a game in which players fight against one another for Adamantium Tokens.

Players will also be able to earn Adamantium tokens by playing the game. They will be able to use these tokens to purchase different NFT characters for usage in-game. Furthermore, beyond the installation of the NFT P2E game, the Developers have bigger plans in mind. The plans include the creation of a Wolverinu platform exchange listing, NFT airdrops and lottery prizes. Surprisingly, even the creation of their own Wolverinu Comic series, in part of the plan.

From what the Wolverinu team has accomplished so far we can predict that this is going to be a game changing project. Watch out for the rise of Wolverinu!