How to fix “Unsupported Chain ID” on PancakeSwap

insufficient output amount

What is PancakeSwap?

PancakeSwap is a DEX used to transfer BEP-20 tokens. The advantages of swapping include; Users get to earn more tokens, Low fees, speedy transactions, Anonymity as there is no Know Your Customer policy and it is also audited and entirely secure.

Error Message “Unsupported Chain ID Error. Check your chain Id”

This error message is likely to pop up when you are trying, for example, to connect the PancakeSwap with a wallet while connected to a chain like Ethereum.

The DEX platform runs on the Binance Smart Chain Network, making it impossible to Swap tokens supported by other chains.

Therefore, this error message is proof that the blockchain you selected does not back the token you are attempting to Swap.

Luckily though, the problem is solvable, but first, you will need a funded wallet containing BNB tokens-the native coin for the BSC network.

How to fix “Unsupported Chain ID” Error Message on PancakeSwap

Below is a systematic arrangement of the simple steps you can use to solve this problem.

Use Trust Wallet App on your Phone

Purchase BNB coins from Binance (minimum purchase is 0.1). After which, you will move them into a wallet that supports PancakeSwap, such as Trust Wallet or Metamask.

Users can purchase the BNB tokens on Binance. Additionally, they can also purchase them using their wallets, although we would highly suggest using BSC. The reason is that the purchasing fee on Trust wallet, for example, is very high (more than 4%) compared to Binance’s 0.1%.

Open PancakeSwap on your Browser

It is important to note that using browsers, such as Chrome, might lead to complications after some time. So instead, it is advisable to download the Trust wallet application on your smartphone and explore the Decentralized App browser.

Explore the DApps, find, and click on “PancakeSwap.”

Once you click, the Ethereum icon will pop up at the top corner on either side of your screen. This means your PancakeSwap has connected to Ethereum.

Select Smart Chain

Like we said earlier, you need to switch to Smart Chain because Ethereum doesn’t support the BNB token you’re trying to swap.

Immediately you click on the Ethereum icon, an explore menu containing various chains will appear on your screen. Some examples include; Thunder Token, Callisto, & TomoChain. Select Smart Chain.

Notably, a user should consider whether the Chain selected backs the token they plan on Swapping. After that, choose the most suitable Chain comfortably for them.

As simple as that. Users are switched to the Smart Chain Wallet and can connect the PancakeSwap account to a wallet.


PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange platform running on the BSC network.

Before swapping a token on PancakeSwap, users should choose chains that support their tokens. For example, BSC supports BNB.

Switching Chains is an easy step, as described above, and the “Unsupported Chain ID” error message problem is relatively easy to solve.

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