KuCoin Expands Into The Metaverse


KuCoin is a crypto exchange exploring the growing Metaverse world. The platform, together with VR, is starting a new metaverse office in an unusual VR building Bloktopia. The office location is on the 21st floor of the building.

In this office, individuals can talk to each other and get familiar with furnishings and other decorations. The announcement is coming just days after Facebook, taking a step in rebranding the company as Meta.

The Metaverse is the future of the Internet sustaining a working virtual world. The AR and the Crypto-coins are responsible for transactions in the virtual world.

Addressing its followers on Twitter, KuCoin says that it is entering into the Metaverse and will also highlight the office rooms in its virtual office.

According to KuCoin, Customers will get better information from some of the world-best talents in the crypto industry. They will also make profits, play sports with friends, and create networks.

Bloktopia is like a shopping mall, where every store has a different plan, business, and marketers. Therefore, to make complete meta consent, KuCoin is now listing BLOK as the primary token for Bloktopia.

Other Companies Joining Metaverse

According to the Vice President of Global Affairs in Meta(formerly Facebook), the business is organizing itself for the Metaverse meant to be part of the next age of the Internet, Web 3.0.

Several other companies, including Microsoft, are now welcoming this view of the Metaverse. Others like the Epic Games are raising funds to follow in the same direction. Reportedly, Epic Games has over $1 billion in funding. However, by 2024 metaverse plans to reach $800 billion in funding.

What Is Metaverse?

Source: Sales Wallet/Medium

Metaverse is also known as virtual reality(VR), allowing personalities to enter the place through representations known as Avatars. These are practical copies of natural bodies users use to search and socialize with its parts.

In simple language, it’s a world where people meet, work, and play using VR headsets. Furthermore, users can use AR glasses, mobile apps, and other applications in the Metaverse.

How Can You Invest In Metaverse

Buy Tokens From Meta

The imaginable world has a coin which is a token used together with VR. The users in this world use these tokens to buy land and play games.

MVI token helps owners to identify different tokens from crypto applications, including NFTs and online gaming. The token is an example of a metaverse token. MANA and LAND are also other examples. LAND is an NFT, whereas MANA is a token.

Buy Metaverse Stocks

You can also invest in Metaverse. Businesses are now competing in the creation of the Metaverse by openly selling their shares. You can be a part of the Meta by simply buying their shares. Meta (formerly Facebook ) is a good example.

Buy Metaverse ETFs

You can now get experience in the enlargement of the meta by buying metaverse ETF. An ETF is a lot of contracts trading on a stock exchange.

Individuals can spend on companies already advancing the Metaverse or are in a place to do so in the future.