PancakeSwap (CAKE) is one of the best exchanges on the Binance Smart Chain. Many investors love the platform because it is fast and does an average of $1 billion per day.
With such an enormous volume, errors are bound to occur here and there. PancakeSwap (CAKE) price is currently sitting at $20.53
Transaction Cannot Succeed Error on PancakeSwap

This error shows the transaction you are making did go through. There are a few reasons why this happens.
1. The error will appear when the tokens you are exchanging contain so many zeros.
2. The error will appear when the token you are exchanging is a scam token. You can verify whether a token is a scam by its most current transactions.
3. The error will also be seen when the token trading issuer suspends their token transaction.
4. Sometimes, you will see the error if you begin the transaction without signing in and broadcasting until the past time allocated meaning the user was slow at hitting the “Confirm” icon.
How To Fix ‘Transaction Cannot Succeed Error’
To fix this error, you have to change the settings on the swap page. You can apply the following.
- On the settings page, raise your slippage tolerance to about 12%. Tap the settings button, click on the pop-up button to see ”slippage tolerance.” In the space, type in” 12” and close the pop-up. A slippage of 12% or above works well without errors. However, note that setting the slippage tolerance high will lead you to pay more fees for your transaction.
- You can also try changing the number of tokens to whole Numbers. To clear the error, make sure that you manually put the number of tokens you want to swap in the To space. When you do this, the ”From” space automatically shows the estimation amount.
Is PancakeSwap A Good Investment

Yes! Every market cap works as a clue to the dominance and uncertainty of a cryptocurrency. Hence the more general the cap, the more firm a cryptocurrency is.
PancakeSwap market cap is at $4.8 billion. Already this is a good cap to help you know CAKE is a good investment. The cap ranks CAKE at number 41 on the Coingecko. However, the figure is still rising indicating its potentiality.
PancakeSwap’s website has a variety of token trading. There are over 500 tokens that you can swap on the PancakeSwap. Wrapped BNB, token on Binance, is the most exchanged token market.
Other tokens include BUSD Token, Metahero, Tether USD, Chess, Cake, and Ethereum tokens. PancakeSwap is the token shelter for the entire crypto industry.
PancakeSwap allows the pairing of currencies. For instance, CAKE-BNB LP, BETH-ETH LP, USDC-BUSD LP, etc.
Another reason why Pancakeswap is good is that its failure is minimal. users have the right to proceed in whatever they like, ensuring the continuation of PancakeSwap.
Pancake swap transactions take about 5 to 10 seconds transacting over 1 billion trades per day. This shows how good it is. Coupled with the reason above you can see that you can invest in this crypto.