Dogecoin: When an Investor Made $2 Million in 69 Days

Vinod Dsouza
dogecoin burning usd dollar bills rich
Source: Facebook / Dogecoin

The phrase ‘anything is possible in the world of cryptocurrencies’ comes with stories of people making millions in a short period. A self-proclaimed ‘Doge Millionaire’ made nearly $2 million in just 69 days of investment in Q2 of 2021.

The investor revealed that he did not check any technical analysis on Dogecoin before investing but went with “market sentiments”. The holder revealed that he had a grip on “pop culture shifts” more than charts to analyze DOGE’s next moves in the indices.

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The investor named Glauber Contessoto announced on YouTube that he purchased $180,000 worth of DOGE in February 2021. He stressed that he sold all his previous investments and poured them into DOGE believing it could make him a millionaire.

“So, I figured, okay, this is going to be the next play. People are going to start investing in Dogecoin and it’s going to take off,” he said.

Dogecoin was roughly trading at $0.045 when Contessoto went all in on the meme currency. The investor accumulated close to 4 million DOGE in that period. More than two months later, DOGE ballooned to reach its all-time high of $0.73 in May 2021.

Therefore, the $180,000 turned into approximately $2 million when Dogecoin reached its ATH. The story made headlines back then and Contessoto turned into an influential figure in the DOGE community.

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Dogecoin: What Happened Next to Glauber Contessoto?

Dogecoin Millionaire Money Cash Dollars Currency

Surprisingly, the self-proclaimed ‘Doge Millionaire‘ Glauber Contessoto did not sell when his portfolio ballooned to nearly $2 million. Contessoto takes pride in not selling and announced that he’ll hold on to the meme currency for a longer time.

“I’m a long-term holder, you guys know that, know what I’m saying, diamond hands? And I’m going to keep on holding it,” he said.

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Contessoto’s holdings’ is now down significantly as Dogecoin slipped 87.30% from its ATH and also added an extra ‘zero’. The $2 million in May 2021 is now worth $370,640 as DOGE is hovering around the $0.09 mark.