Jeff Bezos reveals his Billion Dollar Cryptocurrency Portfolio

jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos, the founder of the online retail giant, Amazon, is currently the richest man globally with over $200 billion net worth. He is followed closely by the SpaceX genius, Elon Musk. Jeff, who recently got divorced from his wife, lost $37 billion in the divorce settlements. However, he has already recovered the losses and then some. What cryptos could he possibly be holding?

Jeff Bezos and Bitcoin (BTC)

bitcoin and energy consumption

There have been rumors that Amazon is preparing to get into the crypto industry, specifically with Bitcoin. The rumors began with a job listing on Amazon for a Digital Currency and Blockchain Support Lead. Among other things, the job entailed working with the Payments Acceptance & Experience team to work on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology solutions for the company. This led many in the space to believe Amazon was ready to join in the revolution. Despite this exposition, Amazon denied the rumors that it would soon be accepting Bitcoin payments.

Currently, Bitcoin (BTC) is trading at $47,989.

Jeff Bezos and Dogecoin (DOGE)

Doge Meme NFT

In May 2021, there were speculations that Jeff Bezos was planning to invest in Dogecoin, if not already invested. However, up to date, none of those speculations have paid out. There has not been any real news about Jeff Bezos supporting the meme cryptocurrency. Over 140,000 people petitioned the company to accept DOGE as a payment option, but the petitions never bore any fruit.

Dogecoin (DOGE) is currently trading at $0.254

Jeff Bezos and Ethereum


Ethereum has been on a bullish trend since it was invented. Now powering all of the decentralized finance, there have been speculations that Jeff Bezos holds Ethereum. However, the billionaire has not confirmed any of these rumors. The chances of Jeff Bezos holding Ethereum are potentially high because it is the gateway into the crypto world. Nevertheless, at this point, Jeff having ETH is still a rumor.

Presently, Ethereum (ETH) is trading at $3551

Is there any Future Between Crypto and Amazon?

Yes. Throughout the year, Elon Musk has been tweeting about Dogecoin. This has led the price of DOGE to skyrocket. Dogecoin almost touched $1.00 at one point, which would have been phenomenal. While Amazon denies having plans to use BTC as payment, they confirm their interest in exploring the space.

In the crypto-verse, ‘interested’ is code for ‘already working on it.’ Moreover, hiring a blockchain expert gives away their intentions.

Final Thoughts

With the current happenings in the space, Amazon might want to quicken its blockchain research. El Salvador just made BTC legal money while Ukraine is considering the idea. If Jeff Bezos delays much further, he might get left out of the DeFi pie. From the information available, it doesn’t look like Jeff revealed much. The speculations could be way off the track, and Jeff could be holding other altcoins. However, time reveals everything.

Men like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos can drive the market up or down depending on what they write on the internet. Hence, they have to be extremely cautious. This is perhaps the reason for Mr. Bezos’ silence on his crypto holdings.