What Are the Top 5 Most Googled Questions on Cryptocurrency?

Vinod Dsouza
google cryptocurrency
Source: CoinQuora.com

Around 4% of the global population has invested in cryptocurrencies, and the numbers may steadily rise by the end of the decade. The untapped market is immense from an investment point of view. Investing Reviews, the leading analysis firm, published research on the most searched questions on cryptocurrency-related topics on Google.

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The study analyzed thousands of queries on Google, and one particular question took the top spot with 150,400 monthly searches. The Google hits came from all over the world, suggesting that people are keen on knowing more about digital assets.

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Top 5 most googled searches on cryptocurrency

Source: Chrome.Google.com

1. The most commonly searched query on Google was “How do I invest in cryptocurrency?” The query received nearly 150,400 monthly hits, making it reach a total of 1.8 million searches a year. The search suggests that millions of people are interested to invest in the cryptocurrency markets but don’t know how.

2. The search ‘journey’ then goes on to “How can I start investing?” which receives an average of 137,000 searches every month. The newcomers are mostly looking at and being educated on centralized exchanges and decentralized platforms.

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3. The search query “How much should I invest when I start?” took the third spot with 64,000 monthly searches.

4. The search phrase “What should I be investing in right now?” received 56,000 monthly searches. Also, a handful of articles about leading cryptocurrencies can be gauged with this search.

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5. The final list ends with “What is passive investing?” with 49,500 monthly searches. At the final spot, the new entrants could learn about ‘staking’ or even gain knowledge about holding on for the long term. Also, “Is cryptocurrency a good investment?” received nearly 31,100 monthly searches.